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Re: Selling Stock Photography Re: Microstock: up, down or the same?


> You are of course right. But until now the "micromen" have come out with stats
> etc. to show that it's business as usual. Now even that arcurs fella is keeping
> quiet.


I had no idea that Arcurs was saying anything in public and I feel that read too many boards
already. Because so many people boast about some sale or another I never take any numbers
I see on ,boards seriously. And face it; their silence can be for an infinite number of reasons.

> I know the history (I think I learnt it from you). I know you fear the
> floodgates opening up from the micros and them heading our way.

This has been a longstanding concern of mine but I would no longer call it "fear." I'm way
beyond fear now in the same way that explorers get beyond their fears and face the unknown.
Yes, the fears are there and even vivid, but we explorers are beyond them.

> But I think many hobbyists are giving up macro too for lack of sales. It's a full
> time job, any way you look at it.

How did you find this out? I see no dimunition at all. Certainly, if the number of people signing
up for workshops is any indication, the number is growing. As far as I can tell (by the means
available to me) the number of people trying to sell images through agencies is as high as

I also believe that the percentage of people entering the field who are satisfied with what they're
getting is also far higher than it used to be. Paths of entry like Alamy and microstock make it
much easier to see modest results than the methods we knew a decade or two ago.

> Any half-hearted attempt, any "I will do it on the side too make extra cash"
> approach is doomed to failure. Anyway, it's good to hear your thoughts, as ever.

This isn't as true as it once was. A person with access to marketable subjects can get their
images in front of buyers far more easily than they could have back in the day. Indeed, the
whole industry looks far better to me than it did even a couple of years ago. Of course, those
who choose foolish specialties like "travel" and "nature" face the same reality they always
have, but who wants to beat that dead horse?

> What about Age? Their phone call sales would be even higher than Alamy's?
> Any thoughts on editorial vs. commercial on age phone vs. search through
> internet?

I doubt it. AGE is mostly a commercial agency and their core business is marketing lifestyle
images with a European/Latin flavor. While they seem to be happy (these days I veiw them
only from the outside) to put up other subjects on their site, I doubt that they get many
requests for them. I mean...when was the last time you saw a promotion for AGE with editorial

Brian Yarvin
Author, Educator, Photographer

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