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[artshow_photo] Pro Panels Wanted to Buy Used -Southern California


I will consider any configuration or colors and can use as few as 2 or 3 panels if you are replacing or moving on.

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Re: Selling Stock Photography how to sell my photos


You can find a lot in the archives of this group about that.

A common denominator seems to be that it is extremely difficult today to carve out any piece of the market for newcomers.

Some people sell photos, often through various stock photo sites, others sell photography services as wedding photography, the most successful seems to combine photography with something else, as teaching about photography, arranging photo safaris, writing, editing, or specialising in something like medical or travel.

It takes a lot of time and work to build up a business around photography in today's world.

On 24-Sep-2011 5:24 PM, red wrote:


i am new to this group, can anyone help me to know how to sell the photos?

regards karthik

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Selling Stock Photography how to sell my photos


i am new to this group, can anyone help me to know how to sell the photos?

regards karthik

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Re: Selling Stock Photography Keywording Software


I quite agree with you RK.
I use Yuri Arcurs free keywording and fail to understand why anyone would need to pay for such a tool.
Joe Gaul

From: RK <rolf.krohna@gmail.com>
To: selling_stock_photography@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, 21 September 2011, 10:46
Subject: Re: Selling Stock Photography Keywording Software

Looked at it, didn't like it.

It is difficult to grasp how it works and the true cost. $9:90 it said in some places, but for what. Why are these guys not explaining, why no price, what are they hiding, just my thought and fear.

It appears to be what is called WebWare, I think
that means that it does no run on your computer, it runs only on the web like Apple and WP7 are doing to lock in clients, both companies that now have class action court cases against them for just this. It turns me right off, I don't like to be "locked in" and where information is sent back and forth and I can't control what it is. Some of these webware is well know to raid your machine for email addresses and personal data without your knowledge.

I searched for keyword generators on the web, and there are quite a few around, many freeware, and you can download updates, just as you do with a virus checker.

Personally, I strongly prefer those, where you have better control over what is happening on your computer, and that you can work off-line.

Just my view and impression.

On 21-Sep-2011 2:19 AM, Fred wrote:
I was contacted by the people at
and thought I would pass the link on to this group. If you try it or have tried it, please let everyone here know what you think.

Fred Voetsch

Group Moderator - Selling Stock Photography

Owner - Acclaim Images, LLC

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Re: Selling Stock Photography Keywording Software


Looked at it, didn't like it.

It is difficult to grasp how it works and the true cost. $9:90 it said in some places, but for what. Why are these guys not explaining, why no price, what are they hiding, just my thought and fear.

It appears to be what is called WebWare, I think
that means that it does no run on your computer, it runs only on the web like Apple and WP7 are doing to lock in clients, both companies that now have class action court cases against them for just this. It turns me right off, I don't like to be "locked in" and where information is sent back and forth and I can't control what it is. Some of these webware is well know to raid your machine for email addresses and personal data without your knowledge.

I searched for keyword generators on the web, and there are quite a few around, many freeware, and you can download updates, just as you do with a virus checker.

Personally, I strongly prefer those, where you have better control over what is happening on your computer, and that you can work off-line.

Just my view and impression.

On 21-Sep-2011 2:19 AM, Fred wrote:


I was contacted by the people at
and thought I would pass the link on to this group. If you try it or have tried it, please let everyone here know what you think.

Fred Voetsch

Group Moderator - Selling Stock Photography

Owner - Acclaim Images, LLC

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Selling Stock Photography Keywording Software


I was contacted by the people at
and thought I would pass the link on to this group. If you try it or have tried it, please let everyone here know what you think.

Fred Voetsch

Group Moderator - Selling Stock Photography

Owner - Acclaim Images, LLC

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[artshow_photo] Art & Craft Shows in Key West, FL


Can anyone give me a heads up on Craft & Art shows being held in Key West Nov thru April 2012. Smaller ones are OK. Hopefully contact info too. Thanx, TrisheBear

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[Totally-Bouncy-Gallery] File - * NEW NOTE! *


We have a new photo album!

Think "2007" or "where the new photos are"!

If you can see them, Congratulations!
go the the "2007" album, follow the description and get
the best of the best Glamor photos!

If you can't see photos or albums, like some people.
sorry, your out of luck.

As for Totally Bouncy Gallery, don't fear loyal members,
TBG is still going to be here and some (not all) of the
photos will still be here too.


I'm just trying to get the people who can see the photos,
even more a chance to get the best of Glamor and Fashion.

I wanted to take Glamor to a new level in CLASS!!

But members abused that, tried to upload pics that were
not of Glamor, ect, and only sent spam in messages.

This group is now 17,000+ members strong... and yet, how
many Totally true members are there?

Well, now management is going to find out.

If you can see the album, if you can see the photos, and
if you put a little time and effort into it... you can
still see the Best and classicist Photos on Yahoo!

If you can't ( AND NO! WE STILL DO NOT E-MAIL PICS! ) then
you can still be here.

So, now your in the know!

** MIZ **

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[Totally-Bouncy-Gallery] File - Fight Fire


NEWS!.......... NEWS!................ NEWS!

Totally Bouncy Gallery is no longer
just an "ad" page for Real Bikini Gals!...
we have spun off our "Mother" Group
and are now our own separate Group!
TBG is going to focus on Glamor and Fashion ...
with still a bit of Amateur to keep things fresh!
Please don't be mistaken...
we are still affiliated with RBG Group...
and hope to broaden the field a bit!
** MIZ **

Since we are still affiliated with RBG Group...

Hate to fight fire with fire but...
Now if you use yahoo new group search there's like hundreds
of "Bikini" Groups out there and 99% are just an ad for some
garbageola pro site that just has gross links or few if any
pics or whatever.....

Don't ya just HATE that????

So this "ad" page Group had been made :(

The Real Bikini Gals link is:



We have Real Gals!!!!
No Fakes Site!!!
Real Pics!!
Real Group!
~~NO BOTS!~~
~~NO SPAM!~~
Real Bikini!
No Pay Site!
Real Females!
No Hidden Links!
Real Amateurs!
No Pros!
~~~~ And Good quality!!!! ~~~~
~~~~ NO GARBAGE!!!! ~~~~

~~~~ Often imitated....NEVER duplicated! ~~~~

Isn't time to "Get Real"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!


The Good quality Groups:


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[artshow_photo] (unknown)


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[artshow_photo] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn



Mike Ring requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn:



I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Mike

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Have a question? Mike Ring's network will probably have an answer:
You can use LinkedIn Answers to distribute your professional questions to Mike Ring and your extended network. You can get high-quality answers from experienced professionals.


(c) 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

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[artshow_photo] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn



Mike Ring requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn:



I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Mike

Accept invitation from Mike Ring

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Why might connecting with Mike Ring be a good idea?

Have a question? Mike Ring's network will probably have an answer:
You can use LinkedIn Answers to distribute your professional questions to Mike Ring and your extended network. You can get high-quality answers from experienced professionals.


(c) 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

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