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[artshow_photo] Re:Numbering questions


> Since I have sold a number of the prints can I just "number" the
> canvas as a separate entity?

Yes, you can create separate editions for your fine art prints and
your canvas prints. If you treat each as a separate edition, and state
that on your COA, you can track them separately. Some artists even go
so far as to use separate editions for each size print. This is a lot
of paperwork, and makes it harder to keep track of.

I do sign and number all of my prints. There are arguments both ways,
including the persuasive one that some shows require it. That said, I
number my prints to track provenance, or who owns what. While I like
Brooks' take on the subject (see link Larry provided), I chose to
limit editions early on, and here's why:

1) I know pretty much who has each of my prints, and how the print was
produced. I keep a database that has a record of each print in every
edition, and usually there is a customer contact record associated
with each sale. Exceptions include gallery sales, where the customer
is known only to the gallery, and those customers who gave the print
as a gift to someone else.

2) Editioning keeps your work fresh, and forces you to keep creating
new work. In practice, it takes a long time to sell out of an edition
of 250 or even 100 prints. In six years, I have yet to sell out of
anything, even the popular images. I do have a very wide array,
though, and artists with fewer selections will sell more of each.

3) Editions can be changed, or iterated. More on this subject, and how
I treat canvas differently than paper prints, on my blog at:


Jim Parker
parkerparker :: design | photography
@dakkid / twitter

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