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Re: [artshow_photo] Numbering questions


You can do whatever you want as long as the person purchasing knows
what they are getting. That's the purpose of a COA or certificate of

Personally I don't believe in numbering or editioning. I want to be
able to sell my work for the rest of my life. Check out this article
on the forum's companion web site:


>So I'm looking into getting into a fair and one of the rules says
>"Reproduction prints must also be signed and numbered as to size of edition."
>I've been selling 20x30 framed prints - however I'm looking into
>20x30 gallery wrapped images. Since I have sold a number of the
>prints can I just "number" the canvas as a separate entity?
>And if I go this route - is there any proof that numbering an image
>is actually a viable way to increase sales? Are there any words
>around that talk about the whole concept of numbering an image.
>I mean in a lifetime I can sell 500 $100 images for $50,000 but only
>100 for $300 . . . . .see what I'm saying?

Larry Berman
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