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[artshow_photo] Re:Arrangement/contract for retail store display/sales?


> I may have an opportunity to display some of my pieces at a local
> boutique and wondered if any of you use some kind of consignment
> contract to ensure the store gets its fair cut as well as to have
> contingency plans if something gets damaged. That is, if a shopper,
> say, were to inadvertently damage the photo would the store take
> responsibility?

Any kind of agreement is better than no agreement. Most stores will
put the burden of insuring your work against damage and theft on you.
I did call my insurance agent about this a year ago, but since the
inventory was constantly changing, it was hard for them to give me
costs. I ended up taking the risk, and so far have had a couple of
small frames damaged, that's all.

The galleries that I am in all have different contracts, some lengthy
and legal, some more informal.

Alison's comment about going out of business is a good one if the
contract is open-ended, and a distance from you. Most of my gallery
work is close to home, so it has not been as big an issue.

Jim Parker
parkerparker :: design | photography
@dakkid / twitter

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