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Re: [artshow_photo] Arrangement/contract for retail store display/sales?


Make sure there is something in the agreement that assures that you will get
your work/payment if the boutique goes out of business.

I had work in a boutique in Santa Monica and the owner just up and closed
the doors without notifying anyone, refusing to return phone calls or
emails. After posting some comments on her Facebook page she finally sent
me a check for some work she had sold, but I never retrieved the rest of my
work. I don't have time or money to travel to California to retrieve them
(5 or 6 original paintings) and wouldn't know where to find her anyway, and
she refuses to ship them.

In this economy, that is a likely scenario! If it is a local place, stop in
often to see how business is going, so you might be able to get a heads-up
if they are going to disappear.

> Hi, all,
> I may have an opportunity to display some of my pieces at a local boutique
> and wondered if any of you use some kind of consignment contract to ensure
> the store gets its fair cut as well as to have contingency plans if
> something gets damaged. That is, if a shopper, say, were to inadvertently
> damage the photo would the store take responsibility?
> I tried searching but didn't get any hits in the forum - sorry if this is
> redundant.
> BobF

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