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Re: [artshow_photo] Printers


On 10/27/2010 10:55 PM, Joe O wrote:
> I've been looking at the Epson Stylus Photo R2880. This is a financial decision more than anything else. Plus side, it supports rolls, I can get it for under $500, and with free shipping. My main concern, other than that it can only do up to 13", is that it's not listed as a "Pro" model. Can anyone tell me what that means exactly? Does it have to do with the quality of ink? The workload it can support?

I believe they don't have it in the Pro line because of the smaller
width, since they use that designation on the 17" and up papers as well,
even though you can get most of the same papers for the smaller
printers; it uses the same ink (though in smaller cartridges, which
means a higher cost/square inch which if you are doing a high volume of
printing DEFINITELY adds up.). I have a 2200 that is still going
gangbusters after quite a few years of lots of printing (I print both
for myself AND for a number of painters that are still in the "don't
want to buy a printer" boat.) The R series is oriented specifically to
the photography market, which basically means it does better on the
photographic-style papers than the fine art matte papers (though I still
find the performance on matte papers to be more than acceptable, even
with the photo black rather than matte black in -- and I print 95% matte).

You can often pick up epson 3800 or 4800's used/refurbed at reasonable
prices, which I'm planning to do when a) budget allows and b) I stop
dithering about which would be the better choice (not having to switch
photo/matte ink vs having a roll feeder; it is a conundrum.)


J. E. Patterson:
Jeliza.net: fine art photography, photoillustration and mixed media
A La Carte Albums: custom photo books for newlyweds, families and
photographers <http://www.alacartealbums.com/>
JEPphoto.com: dramatic and commercial portraiture <http://www.jepphoto.com/>

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