Hi Bernie & ArtShow,
I can relate to your story. My artistic (music/photography) friends all used MACs but I was a PC guy as well - plus the cost scared me away. I had to update defender/virus protection almost daily and I lost an entire shoot (over 1000 photos) when I downloaded my pics to my HP laptop to erase my CF cards for another shoot and the laptop failed before I had a chance to copy them to another drive or my Compaq desktop at home. I paid $$ and all the PC geek could retrieve from that laptop were about 5 photos from that shoot.
In 2007 I decided I needed a new Desktop as my (2003) Compaq could not run CS2 & Bridge at the same time without crashing and I went and looked at all these powerful PC desktops and asked the salesman if I could have XP installed instead of the just released Vista as I had heard Vista had many problems. The salesman said "No" he had to sell me one with Vista.. Almost out of spite and definitely an "off the cuff" decision, I looked at him and said to just get me that 24" IMAC instead. It was the best decision I have made this decade. My learning curve was a matter of unlearning all the bad habits I had developed using PCs as MACs are much more intuitive :) When I plug in a new hard drive, I dont have to download any software or drivers, the MAC immediately see's the new drive and I am in business. It takes me longer to unpack a hard drive from the box that it does to get it working on the MAC.
You may more up front for MACs but the maintenance and headaches are minimal and just not having to deal with the constant updates from Microsoft everyday is a real blessing.
My .02,
--- In artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com, "bernie3cards" <bjdiii@...> wrote:
> I was born without the 'technology gene' so it is useless for me to comment on previous posts. However I thought you might want to hear MY experience before you plop down the credit card.
> When I made my career change to full time photography, I stayed with a PC only because that was what I was used to from the previous office job I had. I had an IT guy on call for the various things that my PC needed. He was here at least bi-monthly and often more, over the course of 3 or 4 years. In one conversation he mentioned that he was very familiar with Macs too. I asked which he would recommend and he said he likes PCs because if everybody went with Macs he would be out of a job. Months later I decided to make the switch. He came and helped me set up the MacPro, a wireless network with printer & MacBookPro (a much more complicated system than I had previously) and I found he was right. That was the last time I had to call him. That was about about 2 1/2 years ago. For me personally, I could have bought the Mac & big monitor on day one and still had a few bucks left over with what I paid the IT guy during my PC days.
> Bernie
> --- In artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com, "mercurius_1" <mercurius_1@> wrote:
> >
> > I think I'm finally going to jettison my PC and move over to a Mac. But I'm clueless about the best configuration and need your advice.
> >
> > I will need to run Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign, as well as monitor calibration software (recommendations on this are welcome as well because I'm currently using an outdated product that only works on my PC). Also MS Office suite and maybe a video editing software. What do you recommend? I don't want to spend this much money and then discover that I didn't get enough horsepower, etc.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Sarah
> > www.sarahpollock.com
> >
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