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Re: [artshow_photo] New Mac Computer


Depends on where you will use it and how. What I have as my setup:
a MacPro [2008 version, 4 bays in it] running OS X 10.6.5
[SnowLeopard] with the 30" Apple screen [which I dearly love] and I
use a 17" macBookPro to travel [whjen driving] or MacBookAir when
flying. If you just want one machine and yet be able to travel, the
17" with an external monitor would work. If' you're getting started
and want to watch the pennies til you get used to things, the new
iMacs are also huge in screen size and fast and have a large
harddrive as well.

You should feel free to buy Refurbished stock off the Apple site = I
have and other than sometimes you dont' get the pretty box and
opening of box sensation, it's a good way to save $200-300. Same
Apple warranty applies, tho I always get AppleCare to extend the
warranty [you can find good buys from reputable dealers at eBay or at
Amazon andsave some there - inthe long run it's worth it. But
doesn't need purchasign til the end of the lst year since it is an
extender of the lst year warranty for 2 yrs]

All of what you are running should run on the Macs. I dont' use
Photoshop but do PSE8 and that's fine for me. I know people who have
Lightroom by Adobe and swear by it = I use Aperture. I use a Spyder2
monitor calibrator but it's pretty old but works fine. MSOffice
Suite, if you really need it, is fine= you can do the same with
NeoOffice, Open Office and other free software or Pages [which is
what I use] - if you need to use Windows you can run it on your
comptuer just fine [tho I never have and someone else will ahve to
explain it all]

I love my Macs [very plural] and have used them since early 80s so if
you have any other Q feel free to ask me off list. Also, most or
many Q are answered at Apple's site = including some videos ref.
moving from PC to help you get used to it and Communities where you
can ask Q and get answers. Plus this and other lsits.

Good luck and I think you'll enjoy the change.

>I think I'm finally going to jettison my PC and move over to a Mac.
>But I'm clueless about the best configuration and need your advice.
>I will need to run Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign, as well as
>monitor calibration software (recommendations on this are welcome as
>well because I'm currently using an outdated product that only works
>on my PC). Also MS Office suite and maybe a video editing software.
>What do you recommend? I don't want to spend this much money and
>then discover that I didn't get enough horsepower, etc.

Victoria L. Herring, Gallery: http://gallery.journeyzing.com/
[images, ordering site]; Blogs: http://blog.journeyzing.com [JZ];
http://www.herringlaw.com [lawfirm]; Ft. Dearborn-Chicago Photo
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