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Re: [artshow_photo] New Mac Computer



I won't get into a PC versus Mac versus Linux debate. I'm a
professional software developer and have been doing it for the last 25
years. I've worked on all of the different platforms and each has their
great points and each has their weakness.

My question is: why a mac? If you have currently have a PC, then
why switch to a mac? In general, you are going to find that there is
more software available for a PC than a mac and the price points for PC
(to repair, upgrade, etc) is cheaper than a Mac. Having that said, PC's
are generally more confusing to use (it depends on the software company
and how easy they think that their program is to use) and, Microsoft
does not make it easy to figure out what is wrong with the operating

Also, note, it generally is a myth that the Mac is better than the
PC for handling images and graphics and video. If the PC can't handle
the graphics, it generally means that the graphics card for the machine
is sub-standard.

As many people have mentioned, you may want to call Adobe and other
vendors for their mac implementations, etc. Also, note that there are
free open source software out there that you can use (I know a lot of
people who use Gimp, which is free, as opposed to Photoshop).

In general, it really depends on what you want to do with the


On 11/29/2010 10:08 AM, Michael Pearlman wrote:
> Bad idea in my humble opinion. You can get a lot more bang for your buck
> with a good PC and you already have the software.
> I have both platforms and use the PC 90% of the time. I am able to pull,
> replace and repair and easily update on the PC as needed.
> So far as speed there is very little difference except you have to replace
> the Apple entirely for an upgrade. My high end HP monitor is far better
> the the Mac Monitor.
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 6:10 AM, mercurius_1<mercurius_1@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I think I'm finally going to jettison my PC and move over to a Mac. But I'm
>> clueless about the best configuration and need your advice.
>> I will need to run Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign, as well as monitor
>> calibration software (recommendations on this are welcome as well because
>> I'm currently using an outdated product that only works on my PC). Also MS
>> Office suite and maybe a video editing software. What do you recommend? I
>> don't want to spend this much money and then discover that I didn't get
>> enough horsepower, etc.
>> Thanks,
>> Sarah
>> www.sarahpollock.com

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