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[artshow_photo] An idiot Q: changing image to 1200 x 1200 pixels at 300dpi


I've done this before but for some reason am blanking and PSE8 isn't
helping matters == trying to change an image from size 8x12 at 300
dpi to 1200pixels max at 300dpi == I went into PSE8 to resize the
image and canvas = you can resize the canvas to be 1200x1200 -- but
the only choices for the image to be resized are: percent, inches,
cm, mm, points, picas, columns == no pixels. For some reason I'm
blanking - or else my brain is having a senior moment!
Victoria L. Herring, Gallery: http://gallery.journeyzing.com/
[images, ordering site]; Blogs: http://blog.journeyzing.com [JZ];
http://www.herringlaw.com [lawfirm]; Ft. Dearborn-Chicago Photo
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