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[artshow_photo] Re: ipad software for inventory management


As a mac person who ran a computer lab for 20 + years and was the tec
coordinator where I worked all I can say is I don't do windows....Hate
it! iwork is cheaper and the equivalent of Office.....I have pages on
my ipad in case I Have to open a .doc or send a .doc file....Outside
of that I really just use the ipad for email, the net and hopefully
now with the wireless printing..if I am in another room. I use it when
I travel and pay for the cheapest data then cancel before the time is
up....I do have 2 books in ibook......
As far as managing photos I did not buy the adaptors for that but it
would certainly be a good back up of images as long as I could
transfer them to my main computer......It would also be a great way to
show off images too.....

Editing programs for images....I would leave that to the main computer
with CS5 or the like.......
BTW one of the reasons I am against Office is because you have more
chances of viruses...anything microsoft written...I don't know how the
ipad is built as far as viruses attacking it.......Of course I have
other reasons too........

There are programs available for a PC that one needs for work which
can not be done on a mac........

"Do report back your iPad app list, Art. We're waiting.

I'm just using Office2 HD. It runs excel and last I checked it was
cheaper than Numbers since it also edits word (and perhaps power
point) docs. I'm not using my iPad for inventory at all. After your
research, let's have a good discussion about apps for photography and
that support our creative lifestyles. I'll certainly contribute to
your forthcoming post.


"A Parrot doesn't scream to make noise,
but because he has something to say.
Do we listen?"


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