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[artshow_photo] Re: Is an iPad useful?


> is there some really useful way to use the iPad
> to make it worth the $500 pricetag? Just the image manipulation/ebook
> reader/web browser doesn't really want me to make the leap to pay for
> it. How do you use it that would make it more effective than using a
> standard laptop?

The chief functions that make the iPad worthwhile are also the
features that make it expensive. But for the money, the screen, the
interface and the design make it an instant icon, and make you look
good to your customers in a show or gallery location. Many advertising
photographers are starting to use them as portfolios.

Portability. The iPad is large enough, yet light enough to go almost
anywhere. It is less cumbersome than a laptop. Battery life is much
better than a laptop. A single charge is usually good for a couple of
days. There is no hard drive to spin, no fans to power, so it's pretty
miserly with the battery.

Connectivity. 3G or Wireless connectivity lets you connect pretty much
anywhere you can get a signal. If you don't have wireless at a show
location for example, you can switch to cellular data, and get email,
browse the web, etc.

Portfolio display. Aside from iPhoto, there are several apps that
allow you to display a portfolio of images on the iPad. The screen is
truly gorgeous, and works extremely well in a one to one situation. It
is less effective in a larger meeting, but I've found it really
helpful in showing potential customers work from my website (when
connected), or from a portfolio of images (when not connected).

Database connectivity. The ability to carry inventory information,
customer data and other database information is very useful, to me.
I've used the iPad to lookup inventory instead of printing a notebook
full of paper several times. The electronic data is always up-to-date,
and you can edit it on the iPad and sync it back to your home machine.

Drawing apps. The iPad is the first touch-screen computer I've seen
that you can actually draw on. Sketchbook Pro and other apps let you
draw from scratch and edit photographs, either with a finger, or with
a Pogo Stylus. Again, having a sketchbook device is useful, for me,
and I don't have to wonder what I did with those scraps of paper, later.

ToDo Lists, Contacts, Calendar, etc. I use 2DO on the iPad, and it
successfully bridges the gap between OmniFocus, a true GTD app, and
Apple's lame task list. It's replaced paper lists for me as much as
any app can. Again, this is partly because the iPad is so portable
that I can take it with me anywhere, and because the screen is large
enough to make it easy to type and edit. The keyboard is almost full
size, and in landscape mode allows for quick two-hand typing.

iA Writer. One of the best text editors I've ever seen on any
platform. Does one thing well: lets you write. For about $5, it's one
of the best little iPad apps I've seen.

Portable musical instruments. Kind of a form of game, apps like
Ocarina, ProKeys and SixStrings make it easy to compose music with the
iPad. Again, a form of sketchbook, which the iPad excels at. As a
creative idea capture device, the iPad is very good. Large enough to
give you enough room to work, small enough to be portable.

So if you have any of the above needs, you may find it useful. The
unique gestural interface is quick to learn, and intuitive for the
most part. Give the iPad true wireless printing and the ability to
share files with a desktop without going through an interface like
DropBox, and it is just like a laptop, only better.

Jim Parker
parkerparker :: design | photography
@dakkid / twitter

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