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Re: [artshow_photo] Re: Applying to shows - Check or Money Order?


It's not about who has the money and who doesn't, although the people I
know that mount festivals certainly don't seem to have a lot of money.
(Most seem to wonder if they can afford to do it again.) It's simply
that there are events that do not create obligations. If you buy tickets
for a concert and something outside your control comes up that prevents
your attendance, do you expect a refund? What about airline tickets? (I
know the answer to that one, people buy travel insurance specifically to
cover that event.)

The artist pays for the opportunity to present his work at a specific
place for specific hours. If he breaks a leg or has a stroke and can't
make it during those hours, he's not going to reap the benefit of that
investment. That's not a moral thing, it's simply the nature of time.

I don't know what planet you live on, but where I am there are millions
of people getting up and going to work every day to do things at which
they do not make money "hand over fist", yet somehow they keep plugging
along. All those greedy art galleries certainly aren't making fortunes,
based on how many of them seem to not be able to make it at all. But
that isn't the point. When I had my stroke, some of my clients were able
to defer things and everything was back to normal after six months,
others were unable to wait and had to make other arrangements, and in
the case of my biggest client it had to be a permanent change. The guy
who had to let me go over that? He gave me a big hug at his 70th
birthday party yesterday. My health issues conflicted with his business
requirements and we both understood that, and we're still friends.

Life happens. You move on. And if somebody hands you a gift you
appreciate it. That does not even remotely suggest that you should be
upset at the eight billion people that didn't give you anything.


On 29/12/2010 8:33 PM, David Kachel wrote:
> On 12/29/10 10:14 PM, "G. Armour Van Horn" <vanhorn@whidbey.com
> <mailto:vanhorn%40whidbey.com>> wrote:
> > Now why would the show have any obligation to give
> > him his booth fees back?
> Because it¹s the right thing to do???
> The unstated but inherent argument in your message seems to be: the
> art show
> people have so little money and the artist has so much!?
> This is the second time this week someone has suggested that the people
> making all the money in the art world don¹t actually make any money and
> artists should therefore somehow be happy to get raped by them. If
> they were
> not making money, hand over fist, the shows would not take place.
> David Kachel
> ___________________
> Artist-Photographer
> Fine B&W Photographs
> www.davidkachel.com
> david@davidkachel.com <mailto:david%40davidkachel.com>
> Gallery:
> www.reddoorfinephotographs.com
> director@reddoorfinephotographs.com
> <mailto:director%40reddoorfinephotographs.com>
> PO Box 1893
> Alpine, TX 79831
> (432) 386-5787

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