I have the Epson R2880 as well, and just recently printed an entire canvas roll. I found that it did not feed through the printer as smoothly as it should... I had to keep unwinding the roll a little bit. I suspect the paper feed is not strong enough to pull the media through when the roll tightens. When it fed through sluggishly a dark bar appeared, where it continued to apply ink on top of already applied ink. Make sense?
You mentioned your media is heavier. I suspect this may be the cause. Monitor the unwinding of the roll as it prints. When mine got tight it made audible sounds at the roll.
--- In artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com, "tarnis3d" <mh@...> wrote:
> Hi all, thought maybe someone might know...
> I've been using an Epson 2880 printing out of Lightroom for about a year with no issue. I haven't printed in a couple of months and just started getting ready for Osceola in a few weeks. My 12x18's look ok, but I made a custom paper type awhile ago of 13x8 to print to a roll to make 8x10/8x12's. Today I noticed the tail end of all my 8x10's have a dark bar at the last half inch or so. Any idea what could cause such a thing? The 12x18's do not have any bar at the bottom end or on the side(which would align with where it prints on the smaller prints)
> I'm using Moab Entrada paper with moab profiles...forget the weight but it's the heavier one.
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