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Re: [artshow_photo] Upgrading Software


Upgrade policy is up to each vendor, and often varies from one product
to another. Adobe has generally used a two or three major version rule,
plus a free upgrade for the most recent purchasers. You might look at
the Adobe site for the terms of the upgrade offers to CS5, it's likely
that their terms for CS6 will be the same, just ratcheting up all the
numbers, but there's no assurance of that.

I don't think I've ever gotten an upgrade deal from Apple. Windows has
only been available with upgrade pricing in very narrow situations.

Some vendors give you one year of free updates, whether they're minor or
major, most give you minor upgrades for free just to cut down on their
own support cost. (Fewer versions means less complexity.)

It's all over the map. The vendors do a balancing act. On the one hand,
upgrade pricing builds relationships with current customers. On the
other hand, it's the current customers who most benefit from the
programs and thus are likely to pay the most for them. It's like the
airlines charging full price to business travelers while cutting deals
for discretionary fliers. Only with software, there are a lot more
players and a lot of variations on the business model.


On 28/01/2011 1:17 PM, michael cothran wrote:
> Hope this question isn't too elementary or stupid on my part, but I'd
> like to know the answer.
> Someone told me that you could only upgrade PS if you are within two
> generations. With the advent of CS6 coming out some time this year, it
> would mean that only those with CS4 or CS5 could upgrade. Is this true?
> Does anyone know if this practice hold true for other softwares &
> applications? For instance, Mac OS?
> Thanks,
> Michael H. Cothran
> __._,_._

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