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Re: [artshow_photo] Sales Tax


You add the sale tax on top, normally. Sales taxes are regulated by the
states, and laws vary, but here in Washington it's actually illegal to
include the sales tax in the purchase price except in some very specific
cases, and matted prints are not among the exceptions.

Plus, you don't want to include it. Even though most people will tell
you that they know that $9.95 and $10.00 are really the same number, all
the tests indicate that buyers perceive it as a meaningful difference.
And the difference between $39.95 and $43.15 (adding 8% for tax) will
really make a difference in at least some borderline cases. The
perception of "less than forty" vs "almost forty-five" can really make a
difference when someone is considering buying two.


On 22/02/2011 9:41 PM, joanjett074 wrote:
> I'm helping a friend do his first show in April and I have lots of
> questions but will try to hold it to one right now.
> Let's say you sell a matted print for $40. Do you charge the customer
> tax on top of that, or do you charge them $40 and then figure out all
> the taxes at the end of the show when you have to pay them? Thanks.

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