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[artshow_photo] RE: credit card processors



I've been using the Square with my iTouch/wifi for about 8 months now and
have no complaints and will let my ProPay.com account end. We're going to
load it on our Android Smartphone and on new iPad G3. I can live with the
2.7% transaction fee since I have no monthly or yearly fee to pay. My sales
are modest but the funds are in my account within 2 days.


7. Credit Card processors
by: "Gary" foto_grapher@comcast.net
<http://profiles.yahoo.com/ghaynes754> Tue Mar 1, 2011 10:01 am (PST)

Ran across an interesting website. www.feefighters.com They basically are a
site that allows you to have credit card processors 'bid' for your business.
Interesting concept. They also have a blog of some great articles, like
making sure that you are getting interchange plus pricing rather than
arbitrary markups on your transactions.

There is also a useful tool for comparing Square pricing to a more typical
processor. Tool is a bit buried but the link is

Sálongo Lee
Sálongo's Art, LLC
Natchez Studio: 601.620.0569
SF Bay Area: 510.863.4ART

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