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[artshow_photo] Re: Survey Of Print Size Offerings


The KISS system really shines in this area. Too many choices can overwhelm the customer, and over-burden the photographer. For prints, I think two sizes is perfect - small & medium. And if you insist, you could also offer a "large" size print, but I would only recommend this for your very best sellers.

I currently shoot with a square film Hasselblad, using a newer Hassy digital back. All of the square digital backs made (of which there are very few) have a 1.5 lens conversion factor, meaning I have no real wide angle capabilities with my Hassy and 40mm lens. And my back, the "entry level" Hasselblad digital back is 16 mpix. I want more sometime in the future - a full frame back and more mpix's, and some electronics would also be nice, but not necessary.

So even as we speak, I am eyeing a rectangle Leica M9, or a medium format digital camera like the Alpa 12 with a used digital back around 39 mpix.
What this means is, there will come a day when my current "square" offerings will also be replaced. Even now, I too, have many styles and configurations, including many older rectangle images and glassed frames that are sitting around, aging fast. I bring a few to each show, filling these in where I can. And oftentimes, when possible, I place a "close-out" sale price on them. If I can move one or two of these at a show, I'm a happy camper.
But in reality, and this is important to all of us, I don't see a time when we won't have old stock in sizes and configurations that we need or want to replace with something different.
This has been the case for the past 20 years or so that I've been on the show circuit. So much so that it would be behooving to have a permanent area in one's booth for close-out sales at every show where we can do so. In short, there will always be this compelling urge to "start over," and we CAN, at any given time. It's dealing with our left-overs, and our bad mistakes that presents the challenge. And they will always be a part of our lives. There's no way around it.
Michael H. Cothran

> >Ever wish you could just make all your inventory vanish so you could
> >start all over again with a more enlightened approach? Ya, thats
> >where I am. So here is my post requesting a survey of what print
> >sizes you offer.

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