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Re: Selling Stock Photography Re: Dangers of Stock


On Mar 18, 2011, at 10:49 PM, halberst wrote:

But part of our job can be educating potential clients why they should choose "us" and pay $500 or $5000 instead of "them" and pay $5. These links could be useful tools to send to folks asking questions like that. If a big company uses a $5 RF image and spends many thousands on advertising, it certainly could lead to similar embarrassment. If nothing other than giggles, I've forwarded these links to at least one potential client.

And on the other thread running just now  "Selling Stock Photography Re: Ansel Adams & Post Your Images! Kelly Shipp  wrote:

It's up to us to teach today's/tomorrow's photographers how to slow down and actually 'think' before pressing the shutter.  Ironically, few will actually understand and/or have the patience to really learn the art, but that percentage isn't likely too far from what it was before digital (based on the ratio of those entering the market). 

Michael and Kelly

 I can tell clients that my pictures are more expensive but I track usage to avoid conflicting uses.  
I am pleased to have recently had a co-op student who hopefully benefited from seeing how I work.

However my job is to take pictures.  Pictures that will meet the needs of my clients and add to my library of stock images.  I have neither the time nor the inclination to put too much effort into trying to teach new photographers,  there's college courses for that. Or to try and convince people not to use less expensive pictures when they are sufficient for their needs,  I think this makes me sound kind of desperate.

We should offer  good service and a good product at what we consider a fair price.  And  work hard at presenting what we have to offer to new clients.

David B

David Barr  519 846 8827

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