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RE: [artshow_photo] A good day at the post office


Don't live in Pittsburg, but when through the same trials as you did. I
bought new, but somehow lost the instructions, hey I am a man - don't need
no stinking instructions. Well, cutting to the chase it was a real
adventure. Then went to the Flourish web site and found the instructions.
They are a great company to work with and great shipping on parts etc.

My first couple of shows it took me over an hour to get the walls, roof and
mesh panels set up. So I practiced and practiced and now down to about 30
minutes. The hardest part for me was raising the roof. You can buy a lifter
from Flourish but made my own. I also marked the holes in the legs so I
could immediately see which to use and get everything level the first time.
While I can do all this myself it does go much quicker with a helper, which
I strongly recommend. The construction part can get a sweat going and
nothing worse that sitting through the day in 80-90 degree weather. When I
can I set up the night before which I can do at a couple of shows.

Also helps to practice with the layout of prints on the mesh walls. Many of
my larger and pano prints I will use two or three hooks to keep them level
and level with the other prints.

I love my mesh walls so much I bought the indoor frames as well.

Good luck



From: artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com [mailto:artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Larry Berman
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 4:50 PM
To: artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [artshow_photo] A good day at the post office

A good day at the post office

I've heard it from other artists for years, a lot of whom I've been
able to help. But now I've experienced it myself. I just received two
acceptances in the mail for shows not using online applications but
asking for digital images. Cain Park and Medina. But up until now,
I've received rejections or wait list for five shows I've applied to
on ZAPP or JAS, with the jury still being out for a few more I
haven't heard from yet.

Not that it bothers me because it will be the first shows I've done
in about four years and I don't know how much stamina I will have. I
did spend about two hours trying to set up the frame of the Trimline
canopy I purchased used. I got as far as figuring out what which
pipes went where and found out that the person that sold it to me
forgot to include the two bolts and wing nuts to finish attaching the
rafters. And then I had to put it back in the garage because storms
were coming in. I need to practice setting it up at least once a week
for the next three weeks before my first show.

Anyone live in Pittsburgh and own a Trimline and maybe use mesh walls?

Larry Berman
Art Show Imaging and Jury Services:

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