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Re: [artshow_photo] A good day at the post office


Couldn't help but giggle, Larry.  We (or I, at least) consider you a mentor and
here you are having this fun!  LOL!!!  Good luck and you'll do great, I am
sure--I can't WAIT 'til I see you at one of the shows I am at!!!  What a hoot!

PS--Thank you so much for the help, by the way.  By noon, all was fixed and I
have now completed the submission!

From: Larry Berman <larry@bermanart.com>
To: artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, April 4, 2011 6:49:41 PM
Subject: [artshow_photo] A good day at the post office

I did spend about two hours trying to set up the frame of the Trimline
canopy I purchased used. I got as far as figuring out what which
pipes went where and found out that the person that sold it to me
forgot to include the two bolts and wing nuts to finish attaching the
rafters. And then I had to put it back in the garage because storms
were coming in. I need to practice setting it up at least once a week
for the next three weeks before my first show.

Anyone live in Pittsburgh and own a Trimline and maybe use mesh walls?

Larry Berman
Art Show Imaging and Jury Services:

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