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[artshow_photo] Re: Dudes with camera's asking fortips


I went to submit my photographs to an artshow and got asked the same question. I had my three kids with me and my oldest reply before I could. She said "It mommy magic, my mom has her own magic." I went with it and said, "Yep, it my own special kind of magic. " She stopped asking. Sometimes when you give a crazy response people just be quiet. It was fun.

--- In artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com, Rod Melotte <grinder12000@...> wrote:
> Yea - that is one thing I'm struggling with. Some sweaty dude with a camera
> around his neck comes into the booth and LOVES my work and then proceeds to ask
> how I did it.
> Since I'm anti-natural photography and tend to "extend" the boundaries of
> reality there is a lot more then "did you use photoshop" in my work. How do you
> tell someone to bugger off or buy something.
> I'm not into giving away my routine so they can copy it even though I know 100%
> that they won't come close. Heck - if another Art Fair guy came into my booth
> and asked I would have no problem talking about my process professional to
> professional as we can learn from each other but some random person . . . . .
> Is there some key sentence I can use? A phrase?
> www.melottephotoimagery.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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