I show in juried shows and sell in two galleries. My experience is that a piece that will get into a juried show is less likely to sell than photos of more ordinary subjects taken in a more ordinary way.
We sell to tourists more than to locals, but both like local subjects. If they aren't local, then they are somewhere the person has been and enjoyed.
The piece has to "speak" to the person (if only because it matches the couch?). A friend of mine likes to quote something I said to him once: "Pretty Sells."
Our sales are also seasonal. I learned everyone wants bluebonnets in spring, but in summer, when nary a flower is in sight, they want something different, maybe a river scene. In this climate, probably something that makes them feel COOL!
--- In artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com, "esponapule" <frankesposito@...> wrote:
> This is one of the reasons why I asked this question (so thank you). As a newbie, and one who has not had a show yet, I was under the impression that every picture had to be some crazily-obtained superstar subject that only the pro-photographer could get.
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