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[artshow_photo] Re: What are your bestselling subjects?


This is for you.

I have never been called a SOB without me throwing foul language first - which is funny. I have no idea who you are and caring is a waste. Never the less I want to address your person type here in an answer better suited for you:

The question of best selling images is not really the right perspective. If there are two artists with the same shot one will always sell more than the other on any given day. As well - at times - those same images never sell.

Not only does the presentation of the print, the media it is printed on, what your booth looks like and the smell in the air effect sales but your attitude/presentation is critical in all aspects of sales.

To take answers on the basic is doing a dis-service to your data mining. Sales are about connection. Connection to your capture of the subject, connection to it's presentation and (most importantly) connection to you and the story.

Ansel said "The Mastery of Technique is the Key to Artistic Freedom". How often do you think Ansel said "What are best selling subjects?"?

You have the ability to be as prolific (or even more) as Ansel. Thing is one needs focus on finding at what is at their own heart and not at the heart of another. You (and every single person on this rock) were given incredible gifts in this life.

Once you start on the path to finding what incredible gifts you were given it is then that you can start discovering what are the most of one's own best aspects of view/perspective/vision that people want to value.

See what it is YOU want to see and be amazed and gifted by those answers.

- Same answer - just made less obvious for the people who can't see beyond their own problems. Later EUGENE.


--- In artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com, EUGENE LUGO <gene51@...> wrote:
> You are one offensive, condescending, arrogant SOB and the reason why I
> am taking action and leaving this group - I don't need to read such
> garbage - its a total waste of my time -
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 11:36 AM, lightpaintedlandscapes wrote:

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