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Re: [artshow_photo] Digital projectors


You can't calibrate a projector but you can calibrate the device
sending the images to the projector with the projector as the output
device. Same with a monitor. Without a computer connected to it, the
monitor can't be calibrated.


>Whatever you buy, calibrate the thing! I get so sick of watching images
>projected on a screen and the person operating the computer saying:
>"It looks
>a lot better here on the computer screen than it does up on the wall...",
>or, "The color is a lot better here on the computer screen than up on the
>wall...", or, "The ratio of the image on the wall is all wrong and looks
>squished but it looks right here on the computer screen...", or, "The bottom
>of the image on the wall is cut off below the person's knees but I can see
>their feet here on the computer screen..."
>When someone knows what they're doing they can get correct color,
>brightness, image ratio, etc., but the VAST majority of them are
>and/or just not set up right and do a lousy job.

Larry Berman
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