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[artshow_photo] Re: Web site critique


I want to thank you all for the critiques. I have been working on my website since they started coming in.
1. On the name I will not be changing that. I have paid to have this name. I do appreciate you letting me know what you think though.
2.I have changed the watermark.
3. I have changed my bio, I didn't realize that it was unclear of the purpose of my website, thank you.
4.As to the link, to get back to the homepage yes there is one. Just click the "strikingrangephotographyhome" link. Not sure why it was so easy to over look.
5.I will try to condense some of the categories.I am hoping to add more to them so that I why I left them with just a few pictures.
6.I know there is a link to email me personally because I have had a number of people contact me through that. I will be trying to make it easier to find though.
7.As to multiple clicks, I am not sure why it is that way. This website is through smugmug and it is something I have been trying to work on from the get go. But I have not figured out away around it yet.

I can't thank you all enough on the kind words about my photography! This is something I have spent years perfecting and still perfecting.

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