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[artshow_photo] So, what would you have an interviewer ask?


Tho I have stepped back from the grind this year, I did want to do at least one show and was fortunate to have been asked to do my favorite (for the scene,vibe, the the money is OK) at Crested Butte.The last few years I have done a blog or two (Inspired in no small way by Nels and the like) to give a real view of the show, it's people, and the experience.

They liked what I did, and asked me to do a photojournalistic thing this year.And they gave me a minion to help, so it's gonna be fun to work the show from both sides of the tent.

We have all been asked questions, interviewed by the local TV, independent film makers, art students and the guy in the flowered shirt, shorts, black socks, flip up shades and the camera around his neck ( Nels incognito?). We know what not to ask (is this Photoshopped? Is this your work? What is your inspiration? Is this Photoshopped? Is this digital?Yadda, Yadda).

So help me out a bit.I need ice breakers and don't want to come off like my friend with the flip up shades.

What questions hit home with you? As a photograher I am purely, instantly emotionally wired in to what I do, as well as how I see others work. No cerebral art school interpretations to make the professor happy. I would love to her a heartfelt story, or simply directions there. If you are at Crested, a chance for immortality!

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