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Re: [artshow_photo] New Forum - time management


I know how you feel Ginger (I have 2 full time "jobs" and 3 non profit
committee positions), I'm dreading the switch too. I know many forums
have the feeds, some do it really poorly though (meet-up is one using
only digests), but to reply, you generally have to switch to a browser,
and go to the topic, vs just clicking reply. I end up going from reading
daily to just checking in a couple times a month unless something is
reallyinteresting. Most of the photo/artist forums already use similar
forum software and many times I just end up dropping them, or rarely
visiting, NPN, NSN, ArtFair, DPreview, CaveChat, etc, etc. . . there is
just not enough time. . . or rather more important stuff to get done. . .

I liked this one because it was different and easy to monitor from my inbox.

Robert Coomer
Fine Art Cave, Rural, and Nature Photography
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/robert.coomer

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