I made my own bags for a while and, while they work well, to place each work
in a bag was just too slow for me since I set up by myself. I also found
that it was still necessary to put the bagged works inside a cardboard
container and sometimes use cardboard between the works as has been pointed
out. Too much cardboard for my taste. I also made my own bags out of moving
blankets ($6 each Uline.com), sewing them in "pouches" to fit two or more
works back to back with foamboard in between.
Here is an alternative approach. Main advantage is speed of
The smaller works are placed inside a HomeDepot/Lowe's/whatever hard plastic
container with wheels which as you can see, holds quite a few 11x14s and
The larger works are inside custom built plywood boxes, made to fit just
behind the booth standing up and with wheels for easy transport. I have
three for 16x20s (each carries 12 works), two for up to 20x24s (each carries
6 works) and a great big one for up to 30x40s which carries 6 works if
I just place the works between pieces of standard foamboard cut to fit
slightly larger than the outside dimensions of the frames. Foamboard also
pads the bottom and sides of the container. I have never had a frame
The carriers can be tippy if I'm stupid but even when tipped over the work
is safe and I frame with glass; in fact even when one fell off the trailer
when I got really stupid, the works inside were safe and sound. The
containers can be built in a day or two and last (so far) 12 years. I put
handles on them and a hinged front. I just lay the container down, grab the
work and hang on wall. Containers stay in the tent standing up on their
wheels just between the back of the panels and the wall of the tent so I
don't have to go grab the car before packing up.
Subject: [artshow_photo] Re: Looking for padded frame bags.
These bubble bags seen SO pricey to me! Is there a more affordable
alternative out there? I heard someone say they use foam pieces between
framed works to protect them in transport. I wonder what a good source for
those might be?
Barbara Lee
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