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Re: [artshow_photo] Re: Web site critique


So Terri,
I do agree with you you and with what I said earlier.
It's a balance we should be aware that we choose. Being ourselves is most important, but if we can do it and leave as many doors open as possible that would be great.

Alex, LOL. In reality, I was named after my grandparents, the Reverend and Mrs. Perry, of the very conservative Baptists in Down East Maine. The rest of my ancestors were hunters and lobster fishermen. I think the bloody mess in the barn every fall scarred me for life but I'm happy to fish while I'm stalking my birds.
So the Perry comes to me from very honorable roots, and the gender assumption is common. It's nice to laugh at ourselves.

Hi Jake,
NIce collection of images.......Let me say that I am against hunting and rodeo's...HOWEVER many people are not. It doesn't matter how I feel there is a large audience for who you are and your work. IMHO kkep your bio as it is, after all that is who you are and it will attract the right crowd..........ALSO keep your title......I am sure many hunter affectionados will love and relate to your work.....
Bottom line...Your web site is done well with beautiful images......

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