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Re: Selling Stock Photography request for: High Resolution Large Format Photo material


I often say that 80% of the photographers work today is in the computer, and I just as often get clobbered for saying that.

Approximately 15 years ago, I took a photo with a 4.5 MP camera, then it was a very high definition camera, and after computer work it was printed on the side of a truck. This was not a simple case of
"resampling" or "extrapolate". Then, it took a week to complete, and had a lot to do with computer skills, just not pushing buttons on something like Photoshop. .

So, my "other" suggestion is to use the much better computer capabilities we have today.  Personally I have a whole "armada" of programs for just such work, and it is not just just 5 * 6 meter or larger, but often 10 * 5 meters, and much is now "blue screen" work. The files out of the camera is about 25 MB, and after editing they commonly become 250 MB or thereabout. I am not talking about the classical "resampling" or "extrapolated" pictures here, but far more advances techniques.

There are some brilliant new digital backs, but also "brilliantly" expensive.

Today I am using a Canon 5D Mk2, RAW format, mainly because the Canon top of the line lenses are possibly the best today, and the lens is THE major contributor to a good photo technically. If you have a mediocre or bad lens, it does not matter how high resolution you have in the digital sensor. The quality, and suitability for the job, of the lens is still THE major factor for a good photo, despite all the hype
hype hype hype hype about spending more money with the tech reps tap dancing to get into your wallet.

Just my views.

On 31-Jul-2011 7:15 PM, case@ods.nl wrote:


Hi there


Maybe someone can help me out?


For several assignments I am looking for High Resolution Large Format Photo material.

I need these photos so they can be printed in high resolution on large surfaces (e.g. 5 x 6 mtr). That means file sizes from 80 mB.

And I don't mean scans which are digitally resampled or extrapolated on a larger format and size.


There are several options:

- you have and take photo's with a high definition digital camera back such as:


- you have an archive of 4 x 5 inch, 6 x 6 inch or 4 x 6 inch transparencies (slides) which can be rescanned with high definition scanners

- you are a 2 or 3d illustrator who can create almost life like illustrations

- you have another idea how to answer this problem


If you can provide me with these and my client will select material from you, there will be a financial reward, of course!



Kees Schreuders

Art director


P.S. Please pass this message on when relevant.

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