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Re: Selling Stock Photography Keywording Software


Looked at it, didn't like it.

It is difficult to grasp how it works and the true cost. $9:90 it said in some places, but for what. Why are these guys not explaining, why no price, what are they hiding, just my thought and fear.

It appears to be what is called WebWare, I think
that means that it does no run on your computer, it runs only on the web like Apple and WP7 are doing to lock in clients, both companies that now have class action court cases against them for just this. It turns me right off, I don't like to be "locked in" and where information is sent back and forth and I can't control what it is. Some of these webware is well know to raid your machine for email addresses and personal data without your knowledge.

I searched for keyword generators on the web, and there are quite a few around, many freeware, and you can download updates, just as you do with a virus checker.

Personally, I strongly prefer those, where you have better control over what is happening on your computer, and that you can work off-line.

Just my view and impression.

On 21-Sep-2011 2:19 AM, Fred wrote:


I was contacted by the people at
and thought I would pass the link on to this group. If you try it or have tried it, please let everyone here know what you think.

Fred Voetsch

Group Moderator - Selling Stock Photography

Owner - Acclaim Images, LLC

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