Certainly interesting.
These copyright issues more and more start to feel like a whole herd of pink elephants in the room.
I don't have any magic solution, but put on your thinking cap and crank up the little grey cells, I know it hurts, and try to find ways to use the systems to your advantage before we made all lawyers billionaires. You don't have to win every battle to win the war.
The copyright laws were written for the old ways and days, pieces of film, books, paper, paintings, etc. and technology has run it over and massacred it many times over, it just won't lay down.
Thinking of the Megaupload issues and the guys arrested in New Zealand. I use places as Megauppload to transfer my big files to clients, so is it now that Big Business and Big Brother are going to sue ISP's, shipping container manufacturers, pilots and ship captains, warehouse owners, truck drivers, computer makers, memory makers, for aiding piracy. Looks like we are getting to that point. Countries as Sweden already has a "piracy tax" on all portable memory devices, as CD's, memory sticks, and portable HDD. They "could" be used for piracy activities. Everyone has to pay the tax though and it goes to the Big Business. To me it is modern dictatorship, and we as the small guy has no say.
Remember, we are the small guys, and the more complex and draconian system the more the Big Business wins on our expense, it is us that get trampled in the end, by the big guys, what I call the copyright Mafia. We earlier talked about how the middle man, many stock photo sites, start to control our sales and the prices we get for our work.
On 28-Jan-2012 5:16 AM, sjlocke wrote:
I thought some of you might find my blog posting yesterday of interest, as I know how we all love people who use our work without permission:
Sean L.
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