Terri.. I have done OK at art shows where I can tell a prospective buyer the back story on the image.
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 11:26 PM
Subject: Selling Stock Photography Re: How can photographers inform stock agencies regarding the VALUE of their images?
I am new-comer to this Stock Photography business and after listening to comments from this group, I'm not sure if STOCK photo sales is the way I want to go. I belong to an Art Guild in a nearby city. We have a group of very talented people who really are artists, but in various media (oils, acrylics, fabric, photography, wood carving, sculpture etc) We all have a chance to display our talents and occasionally we even sell something! It's not a "sure thing" that all our work will sell, but the pride that someone likes our work well enough to purchase it is a wonderful feeling. I was blessed to sell one of my framed photos recently for $90 (only a $22 profit after framing expenses and commission to the Guild). I'm not sure if you can really project that personal feeling by selling online. I know technology has come a long way, and internet sales are inevitable. But I have noticed that people who really love and appreciate Fine Art like to see and feel the final product!
So in summing it all up, I think I'll stick with my "starving artists" group and feel the pride of an occasional sale instead of giving it away. Thanks to all who have given me insight and I wish you luck in your endeavors.
Terri K
Be sure to check out my website! http://pixbytlk.smugmug.com/
and remember:
Life is short! Bend the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly,
laugh uncontrollably, & NEVER regret anything that made your smile!
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