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Re: Selling Stock Photography Re: The VALUE of images? Warning: Philosophical Rant


> I'm sorry, but the "market" is a myth, perpetrated by those corporate monopoly
> interests that control prices by making the rest of us use all our creative
> energy competing against one another so that none of us make a decent living,
> that is none of us who refuse to sign on as their well-rewarded henchmen. (And
> sooner or later they will get the pink slips!)


It may be a myth, but the free market is the myth that most of the world lives by. Even if you
yourself reject it, it's worth understanding so you can fathom how others act.

As for "well-rewarded henchmen," I fear that this is jargon that represents some person or
company that I know, but don't feel the same way about. I think that you want me to hate
somebody, but you don't tell me who or why. Labels are no substitute for explination here.

> They convince us to worship progress and obediently we accelerate our consumption
> of the natural resources of the planet to create more and more toxic waste and
> more and more mindless games for people to pay to play. So the one percenters
> create even bigger wastes and play more expensive mindless games. It is they who
> ultimately set value, as it suits their interests. They will not be happy until
> technology replaces all of the labor component of producing goods and services.

Wow...this is a whole ideology. I thought that Rolf and I (and the original poster) were talking
about marketing photography. I'm going to stay away from these sorts of topics and leave
them to the idealists of the world.

Actually, I'm glad to see at least one idealist out there. I just feel left out when there's tons of
emotion, but no clarification.

BTW...are you the Ron from Beach Corners, Wisconsin? Just curious to see your work.

Brian Yarvin
Author, Educator, Photographer

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