I think you are providing a solution there too. "positioning yourself in a good place", both market-wise and geographically. The SWOT analyses. The strength of a good photographer is to predict where the good place is, when, and to have the experience to consistently and repeatedly produce good result. You just can't produce any picture any longer and sell it, you just got to have a few up the sleeve so to say.
On 17-Jan-2012 5:14 AM, egmorrow@earthlink.net wrote:
Whiners all-In the film days, it was easier because talent, skill and persistence stood out.Now in the digital age with multishot, no developing expense, really good cameras for under 2 grand, virtually everyone is going to get more good photos just by keeping the shutter down/autoexposure and photoshop.It is less art and skill now than it is luck and positioning yourself in a good place, so philosophy aside, you mid to low talents are competing with a few more hundred thousand people all wanting to be called professional photographers.All convinced that their work is worthy of high prices, when in reality it has to be the market driving the price.More of anything in a situation where demand is lower and has more choices aotomatically reduces the price.If you aren't a Liebowitz where name is worth $ you have a problem in increasing price.Ed MorrowPhone: 530 577 4141.
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