I have a free site for photographers, artists, poets and writers. We have had a demand for resources for photo stock from many of our members. I am hoping that many of you on this site will be able to fulfill that need. I was referred to your site by one of your members who thought this might be a good opportunity to network. Below is an overview of my business. We only have three thousand plus members, but are growing daily.
MUTT Online is a free art site for writers, poets, photographers and artists. Members may post a profile, photo gallery, classified ad or compete in online contests. Profiles are also available for editors, literary agents, publishers, photo stock resources and art galleries. We just added food and architectural photographers, as well as literary publicists to our categories. MUTT is the ultimate networking site for all who want to succeed in all forms of art. We have a Featured member of each category each month. MUTT also has a Golden Nugget section where members can gain worldwide exposure as well. There are also informative tutorials and articles by some of the leading professionals in all of these categories. MUTT charges no commissions on any work sold by members and all sales are strictly between the buyer and seller. Promote yourself and maximize your exposure. Go to http://www.muttonline.com/members to join.
I am just a small business and am trying to network with other small business's to increase exposure for all of us.
Kind Regards,
Bob McKamie
MUTT Online
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