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[Totally-Bouncy-Gallery] File - * NEW NOTE! *


We have a new photo album!

Think "2007" or "where the new photos are"!

If you can see them, Congratulations!
go the the "2007" album, follow the description and get
the best of the best Glamor photos!

If you can't see photos or albums, like some people.
sorry, your out of luck.

As for Totally Bouncy Gallery, don't fear loyal members,
TBG is still going to be here and some (not all) of the
photos will still be here too.


I'm just trying to get the people who can see the photos,
even more a chance to get the best of Glamor and Fashion.

I wanted to take Glamor to a new level in CLASS!!

But members abused that, tried to upload pics that were
not of Glamor, ect, and only sent spam in messages.

This group is now 17,000+ members strong... and yet, how
many Totally true members are there?

Well, now management is going to find out.

If you can see the album, if you can see the photos, and
if you put a little time and effort into it... you can
still see the Best and classicist Photos on Yahoo!

If you can't ( AND NO! WE STILL DO NOT E-MAIL PICS! ) then
you can still be here.

So, now your in the know!

** MIZ **

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[Totally-Bouncy-Gallery] File - Fight Fire


NEWS!.......... NEWS!................ NEWS!

Totally Bouncy Gallery is no longer
just an "ad" page for Real Bikini Gals!...
we have spun off our "Mother" Group
and are now our own separate Group!
TBG is going to focus on Glamor and Fashion ...
with still a bit of Amateur to keep things fresh!
Please don't be mistaken...
we are still affiliated with RBG Group...
and hope to broaden the field a bit!
** MIZ **

Since we are still affiliated with RBG Group...

Hate to fight fire with fire but...
Now if you use yahoo new group search there's like hundreds
of "Bikini" Groups out there and 99% are just an ad for some
garbageola pro site that just has gross links or few if any
pics or whatever.....

Don't ya just HATE that????

So this "ad" page Group had been made :(

The Real Bikini Gals link is:



We have Real Gals!!!!
No Fakes Site!!!
Real Pics!!
Real Group!
~~NO BOTS!~~
~~NO SPAM!~~
Real Bikini!
No Pay Site!
Real Females!
No Hidden Links!
Real Amateurs!
No Pros!
~~~~ And Good quality!!!! ~~~~
~~~~ NO GARBAGE!!!! ~~~~

~~~~ Often imitated....NEVER duplicated! ~~~~

Isn't time to "Get Real"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!


The Good quality Groups:


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Selling Stock Photography learn and share photography


Hi friends,

For all photography antusiat, this is a little blog about learn and share photography, hope give a little knowledge and info.

for our new article :


Agus dL

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[Totally-Bouncy-Gallery] File - * NEW NOTE! *


We have a new photo album!

Think "2007" or "where the new photos are"!

If you can see them, Congratulations!
go the the "2007" album, follow the description and get
the best of the best Glamor photos!

If you can't see photos or albums, like some people.
sorry, your out of luck.

As for Totally Bouncy Gallery, don't fear loyal members,
TBG is still going to be here and some (not all) of the
photos will still be here too.


I'm just trying to get the people who can see the photos,
even more a chance to get the best of Glamor and Fashion.

I wanted to take Glamor to a new level in CLASS!!

But members abused that, tried to upload pics that were
not of Glamor, ect, and only sent spam in messages.

This group is now 17,000+ members strong... and yet, how
many Totally true members are there?

Well, now management is going to find out.

If you can see the album, if you can see the photos, and
if you put a little time and effort into it... you can
still see the Best and classicist Photos on Yahoo!

If you can't ( AND NO! WE STILL DO NOT E-MAIL PICS! ) then
you can still be here.

So, now your in the know!

** MIZ **

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[Totally-Bouncy-Gallery] File - Fight Fire


NEWS!.......... NEWS!................ NEWS!

Totally Bouncy Gallery is no longer
just an "ad" page for Real Bikini Gals!...
we have spun off our "Mother" Group
and are now our own separate Group!
TBG is going to focus on Glamor and Fashion ...
with still a bit of Amateur to keep things fresh!
Please don't be mistaken...
we are still affiliated with RBG Group...
and hope to broaden the field a bit!
** MIZ **

Since we are still affiliated with RBG Group...

Hate to fight fire with fire but...
Now if you use yahoo new group search there's like hundreds
of "Bikini" Groups out there and 99% are just an ad for some
garbageola pro site that just has gross links or few if any
pics or whatever.....

Don't ya just HATE that????

So this "ad" page Group had been made :(

The Real Bikini Gals link is:



We have Real Gals!!!!
No Fakes Site!!!
Real Pics!!
Real Group!
~~NO BOTS!~~
~~NO SPAM!~~
Real Bikini!
No Pay Site!
Real Females!
No Hidden Links!
Real Amateurs!
No Pros!
~~~~ And Good quality!!!! ~~~~
~~~~ NO GARBAGE!!!! ~~~~

~~~~ Often imitated....NEVER duplicated! ~~~~

Isn't time to "Get Real"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!


The Good quality Groups:


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BH de A à Z você vai encontrar o conteúdo que te interessa

O que você faz em Belo Horizonte?
Trabalha? Estuda? Passeia? Se Locomove?
Agora existe um portal para quem vive em BH e quer contribuir para uma cidade melhor para
se viver, uma cidade que celebra a pluralidade e que é feita para os cidadãos. Seja qual for
sua tribo, no BH de A à Z você vai encontrar o conteúdo que te interessa, na medida certa:
juventude, mercado de trabalho, educação, cultura e política serão os temas abordados no
portal, sempre de um jeito simples, inteligente e participativo.
Além de discutir os principais temas em pauta na cidade, o BH de A à Z pretende ser um canal
democrático, que incentive os leitores a debaterem a cidade onde vivem e, mais, a cidade
onde querem viver.
Outro atrativo do portal será a realização constante de sorteios de ingressos para os principais
eventos da cidade. E você, vai ficar de fora?

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Portal Nova Lima

Você mora em Nova Lima? Gosta de música? Teatro, dança, baladas, bares, gastronomia,
esportes radicais em Nova Lima?
Agora a cidade tem à sua disposição um único portal que promete reunir todos esses eventos
em um único canal. É o portal Sou Nova Lima.
Concebido para reunir várias tribos em um só canal, o Sou Nova Lima quer se firmar como um
portal que estabelece um diálogo constante com a população novalimense.
Para isso, além de apresentar aos leitores uma agenda atualizada com todos os eventos
culturais, o Sou Nova Lima conta com uma equipe de colunistas que vai produzir para o site
conteúdos inéditos sobre temas como saúde, comportamento, esporte, política e gastronomia.
Além da multiplicidade de assuntos abordados, a conexão com o que acontece nas redes
sociais vai deixar o portal ainda mais dinâmico.
E não para por aí: o Sou Nova Lima vai realizar promoções e sorteios de ingressos entre os
usuários cadastrados.
Com tantas opções, impossível ficar de fora do Sou Nova Lima.
E você, é Nova Lima? Então, confira: http://www.sounovalima.com.br

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Re: Selling Stock Photography Book Trailer Use


Thanks, Joe.  That's a very helpful site and I will bookmark it.  I contacted the publisher directly and we have agreed on a price.

Thanks for your help!


On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Joseph Gaul <joeagaul@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

Hi Tina,
I have limited experience of this but I believe it depends on the type of publication, whether scientific or whatever, the image size, the period of use and the degree of exclusivity needed.
Sorry this is all rather vague but I hope it is of some help.
Good luck

From: TinaM <images@comporium.net>
To: selling_stock_photography@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 1 May 2012, 18:47
Subject: Selling Stock Photography Book Trailer Use

Selling Stock:

I got a request today for photo use in a book trailer. Of course, they say they have a limited budget and usually try to find photos for free, but this particular photo is perfect for their project and they would like a price. Anybody have an idea? I can't find book trailers in FotoQuote or any of the agency listings.


Tina Manley, ASMP

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Re: Selling Stock Photography Book Trailer Use


Hi Tina,
I have limited experience of this but I believe it depends on the type of publication, whether scientific or whatever, the image size, the period of use and the degree of exclusivity needed.
Sorry this is all rather vague but I hope it is of some help.
Good luck

From: TinaM <images@comporium.net>
To: selling_stock_photography@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 1 May 2012, 18:47
Subject: Selling Stock Photography Book Trailer Use

Selling Stock:

I got a request today for photo use in a book trailer. Of course, they say they have a limited budget and usually try to find photos for free, but this particular photo is perfect for their project and they would like a price. Anybody have an idea? I can't find book trailers in FotoQuote or any of the agency listings.


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Selling Stock Photography Book Trailer Use


Selling Stock:

I got a request today for photo use in a book trailer. Of course, they say they have a limited budget and usually try to find photos for free, but this particular photo is perfect for their project and they would like a price. Anybody have an idea? I can't find book trailers in FotoQuote or any of the agency listings.


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