On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 8:34 AM, Patrick A. Timlin <ptimlin@yahoo.com>wrote:
> For example, taking macros of flowers is probably one of the most common
> type of photograph, right? I don't like them. Nope! Bored to death of them.
> And I really don't need to see another shot of someone's stupid cat
> sleeping on its back on the bed. :)
Hear hear!
> One problem I am finding with IR is that it is hard to find a new
> perspective or a new way to shoot using IR (although true with normal
> photography as well). When you first try it, WOW, look at the trees! But
> then after hundreds of shots and seeing hundreds of other people's IR shots,
> you tend to start thinking, "great, more damn trees." So ya, there tends to
> be a bit of sameness when looking across many people's IR shots.
I feel the same way with HDR. I absolutely love trying to come up with a
DIFFERENT way to use it, a different way to enhance the picture rather than
make it distracting.
From my HDR Set:
<http://www.flickr.com/photos/kingarthur10/sets/72157624847628398/>Now, look
at the first photo in there. Looks like every other damn HDR photo out
there (believe it or not, I actually won our group's contest for HDR with
it): http://www.flickr.com/photos/kingarthur10/2345913639/
<http://www.flickr.com/photos/kingarthur10/2345913639/>Some of my recent
stuff, though have different takes. I have been working on effectively
capturing the dusk mood with this one and ones like it:
<http://www.flickr.com/photos/kingarthur10/4945108610/>And I've been using
HDR to try to capture TEXTURE with a variety of ones like this:
<http://www.flickr.com/photos/kingarthur10/4861183785>Different takes using
a process. Slowly but surely, I've developed a style and continue to expand
on it to make something new, something original. I've worked on HDR night
shots, but I haven't perfected them yet, and I've worked on HDR flowing
water shots (very challenging to get right). If I ever get a full spectrum
modified camera, I plan on trying my hand on HDR IR photography (using IR as
the master lightness scale and using the color for, well, the photo).
> But good new, I just happened to upload a few new IR shots last night to my
> Flickr account. I am sure you will rush over to check them out! ;)
> Cheers,
> Patrick
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/pakphotog/
As always, love seeing you post new work, Patrick!
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