You might check if those folks did 'jury in' their jewelry. If they didn't,
I'd ask for my entry to be returned; I hope you'll follow-up with your
From: []
On Behalf Of aimeerochard
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:12 PM
Subject: [artshow_photo] Re: Year #1 - what I learned!
Indeed, my first show that I did a couple weeks ago- was the QUEEN WEST ART
CRAWL here in Toronto. It's supposed to be primarily fine art, and that's
what it is advertised as. On the application it states that you cannot sell
anything other than the art for which you applied... yet my brothers noted
that they saw booths selling their art plus jewelry and knick-knacks
(unrelated). As well as the booths selling only jewelry. The entry fee was
almost $200 plus tent rental and upon further thought, I'm a bit miffed that
I could have sold my own jewelry and perhaps made SOME money.
I know it's not all about making money, but you guys are absolutely right in
terms of the crowd that attends these things.
Perhaps I will write them a letter...
--- In
<> , "Grinder" <grinder12000@...>
> I suppose I should add that fairs called "Craft Show and BAKE SALE" should
be on the list to avoid also!
> One thing I have been doing is when I see a show I'm interested in I look
for a website. I found one yesterday and the website said that the
Organizers, after 22 years would no longer be involved in the event.
> This raised a red flag and I contacted them and very politically asked
"why" and their thoughts on the fair as it pertained to Artists! They said
it had grown more into a craft show but the name was the same.
> Rod
> --------------------------------------
> >
> > I learned that lesson as well! I might add that SOME festivals that
> > contain the word "crafts" really are arts & crafts festivals. I was
> > sorely disappointed with the Cornhill Arts Festival here in Rochester
> > turned out to be loaded with crafts and commercial displays. When I
> > to the organizers after the fact they responded that on their
> > they mention crafts so I should have known.
> >
> > Oh well. Lesson learned.
> >
> > Carl (Pittsford, NY)
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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