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Re: [artshow_photo] Figuring out print costs


You could possible contact your printer/ink mfr and query them for how many sq
inches can be anticipated from the cartridges; you'll have to let them know your
"style" so their response could be built around that if they will respond. 
Otherwise, we (my husband and I) keep saying we're going to put all new
cartridges in, and begin printing until one needs replacing--determine approx
what is left in the others and how much /ml cost is, then calcluate the const
per print--cludgey but it might get us close!
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From: Joe O <orabona_joseph@dwc.edu>
To: artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, September 29, 2010 9:59:25 PM
Subject: [artshow_photo] Figuring out print costs

Most costs are fairly straight forward. Mat board costs X, frame is Y, paper is
Z. One thing I can't figure out is how to estimate ink costs. Is there an
average cost per sq inch or something like that? What do you guys do?


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