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[artshow_photo] Re: Backpacking with Camera gear


That Naneu pack is a great concept, but it's a monster at 85L. Weight
of the pack alone is almost 10 pounds! And at $369, it's not a pack
you'd want to buy just to try.

The problem I've had with larger packs over the years is that you
always want to fill up the volume. I think having the extra padded
insert for camera gear is great, as is the ability to detach the
camera pod and use it separately or as a chest pack. But seriously, if
you filled this pack with backpacking gear and camera equipment, it
would weight close to 80 pounds! Me, I'm not that comfortable carrying
even sixty pounds uphill anymore. The heavier the pack, the shorter
the distance you can travel a day unless you're 21 and fit.

For longer expeditions, this pack would work very well at getting the
gear to the site if it holds up well under extreme conditions. Naneu
seems to have thought out many of the issues. But for two or three day
trips, or even a week, I suspect that this backpack is too much. I'd
love to see one at about 60L and 6 pounds, although with the camera
insert, it might not be possible to keep the weight down.

One alternative strategy to a large camera insert is wrapping lenses
in clothing, such as an extra fleece or capilene top. OR makes
waterproof stuff sacks that are almost weightless, compared to the 2oz
bags of yesteryear, and it would be possible to pack the fragile stuff
by wrapping and stuffing, thereby saving most of the weight that a
padded insert adds. But if you plan to hike to a base camp and stay
for several days, having a separate day pack is almost a necessity.
I've had trips where I threw the camera gear, water, food and raincoat
into an empty backpack and let it rattle around while I went peak-
bagging -- not the best situation, but it doesn't add weight. A nylon
bag with shoulder straps, similar to LowePro's old split camera system
would let you take the cameras out separately without adding the
weight of a dedicated insert pack.

Jim Parker
parkerparker :: design | photography
@dakkid / twitter

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