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[artshow_photo] Re: Winter gear for photographers = boots?


--- In artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com, "Victoria L. Herring" <victoria@...> wrote:
> As long as we're talking about gear, what are the warmest boots one
> could get? I tend to get cold toes etc. and if that happens, the
> rest of me feels cooler than it is = what's a warm boot or one that
> won't let feet [esp feet] get cold even walking in or on snow???

Hate to contradict some of what's been suggested, but I have to cast a vote against Vasque boots. The quality is not what it once was during the mid-90s. They were good boots at one time, but more recent incarnations are not of the same quality and they will likely fall apart much faster than you'd like for the price you will pay.

Instead, look at a good pair of Asolo Gore Tex hikers. These are totally waterproof (and keeping your feet dry is the key to keeping them warm) and they are very sturdy, substantial boots that will protect your toes no matter where you go. They may be harder to find and they are very costly, but I'm on my second pair after the first pair lasted 7 years of intensive year-round use here in the rocky, trout stream-laced and sometimes icy and snowy state parks of central Pennsylvania.

Also consider LL Bean. They guarantee their products, which means that if something fails years later, you can still return the item for credit. And their customer service is top notch.


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