Love my Mac mini, and use just a nominal flat screen,
At this point it is all I need to accomplish what I do for photos.
I have both PC and Mac, but much prefer working with Mac.
Beginning frustrations,,,,,,,,,, did I mention I was a bit frustrated when I
switched? Software more than anything. I'm not a computer head so the learning
curve also.
Adobe worked with me to switch over programs also.
From: G. Armour Van Horn <>
Sent: Mon, November 29, 2010 3:33:45 PM
Subject: Re: [artshow_photo] New Mac Computer
Even though there really aren't any measurable performance advantages
for the Mac over the PC, it always feels like there is. Having a smooth
computing experience is worth a lot, particularly under deadline. Plus,
most people need to run anti-virus software on their Windows machines,
which by itself provides a pretty significant advantage to the Mac. AV
software really slows most PCs down.
I've been using both systems for over 25 years now, and spend most of my
time on the PC, but that's only because many of my daily tasks involve
software that is only available on the PC, or more important, that I
already own on the PC. Switching everything would be traumatically
expensive. Still, if you had a gun to my head and told me that I could
only have one desktop operating system, there's no question that I would
choose the Mac.
If you're dealing with a first system, I think it should be a Mac Pro. I
love my iMac, and my wife loves her MacBook Air, but then we have the
file servers to work from. I'm of the firm conviction that you should
never have important data on the same drive that an operating system is
installed on. For a one-computer setup, I would recommend installing
your apps on the main system disk, but adding a second disk for your
work. You can't put a second drive in an iMac or Macbook and I'm more
comfortable with internal drives than external for this purpose. You
also can choose from the best monitors, although I don't have any
complaints about any of the iMac screens I've used. It's also easier to
open them up and add memory or various other hardware tasks on the full
I believe that all of the monitor calibration tools are available for
both systems, in fact most of them use USB and include software for both
systems in the same box. And Adobe tools all run fine on both sides of
the fence. I personally can't see using MS Office these days, although I
do out of inertia. I really only use it for opening files from others,
and there are free products that will accomplish the same thing. Word
has gotten way too big for writing, I do all of my writing in text
editors or in dedicated writing tools.
As a dedicated do-it-yourselfer who has put together several hundred
Windows machines for clients, I'm very comfortable with the Windows
platform. However, I've watched people go back and forth between the two
systems over the years. and most people who go from Mac to Windows are
never quite happy, though some do absolutely love it, and most people
who go from Windows to Mac love the change, while there are those who
regret it. You can do the work on either platform.
For a photographer planning on a single system for work, I strongly
recommend the tower with at least two disks installed. It also has lots
of RAM slots, so you don't need to worry about maxing that out from day one.
On 29/11/2010 6:10 AM, mercurius_1 wrote:
> I think I'm finally going to jettison my PC and move over to a Mac.
> But I'm clueless about the best configuration and need your advice.
> I will need to run Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign, as well as
> monitor calibration software (recommendations on this are welcome as
> well because I'm currently using an outdated product that only works
> on my PC). Also MS Office suite and maybe a video editing software.
> What do you recommend? I don't want to spend this much money and then
> discover that I didn't get enough horsepower, etc.
> Thanks,
> Sarah
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