Ah. Excellent points.
Okay, a couple of things:
1) XP is definitely antiquated. You'll have an easier time with Windows
7 (if you go that route).
2) Anti-virus/Anti-spyware/etc. McAfee Anti-virus and Webroot are
severe bloat-code. They definitely do slow down your machine. For
anti-virus, I recommend Vipre. It helps with Anti-spyware, also. Vipre
is fast and, I think, runs on a mac. The spyware is usually a function
of websites that you visit. I believe that you still have the spyware
issues on a mac. So, just don't fall into the trap that "because it's a
mac", it's invulnerable to the internet pitfalls.
3) I personally run Photoshop 2 (which is 4 or 5 years old) and don't
have a problem. Like a computer, it definitely is based on what you do
with the machine. I also use InDesign from several versions back. They
both do what I need.
Since, I'm assuming that you didn't get the highest end machine 4 years
ago, I would recommend getting a 64-bit machine with, bare minimum of, 8
gigs of ram. For a hard drive, you should get at least two drives
(small drive for the operating system) and a larger drive for your work
files (it even could be a raid array drive to help against hard drive
failures). Not knowing how much to spend, you could get an amazing
system for around $1000. But, this also based on your budget and what
you are getting the new machine for.
On 11/29/2010 2:08 PM, sarahfpollock wrote:
> --- In artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:artshow_photo%40yahoogroups.com>, Doug Hoppes <doug@...> wrote:
> > My question is: why a mac? If you have currently have a PC, then
> > why switch to a mac?
> Hi Doug,
> Good questions.
> My current PC is about 4 years old. It still runs XP. But it's slow. I
> do routine disk defrags and removal of temp contents as well as fairly
> frequent removal of files to preserve hard drive space.
> My biggest complaint? The endless barrage of software updates and
> patches for my anti-virus, anti-spyware, and OS. I have McAfee
> anti-virus and WebRoot Spysweeper. They run fine, but I hate how
> slowly the thing boots up and I've actually resorted to turning off
> automatic updates for the anti-virus and anti-spyware apps because
> they constantly demand downloads. I'm on a home network behind a
> firewall and I believe that my risk for infection is relatively low. I
> just hate this constant headache of maintenance.
> Regardless, because my machine is old (and slow) I think I'm looking
> at all new software to run even if I do stay with a PC and get Windows
> 7. I know it is not imperative, but to really take advantage of the
> new OS, then I assume I will have to upgrade my apps. My software is
> out-of-date. I'm two versions behind on Photoshop, one behind on
> InDesign, and I still have the "Macromedia" version of Dreamweaver.
> Gah! So, I figured that since I'm having to make such a big investment
> even with a PC, then I can just as easily do it with a Mac instead.
> I know a comparable PC can be had for less money, but I'm just tired
> of the upgrade headaches with PCs. Based upon my experience with my
> Mac laptop, life seems easier in a Mac world. I know I'm lobbing a
> grenade into a contentious debate that has raged for years, but this
> is my opinion at this point.
> Best,
> Sarah
> www.sarahpollock.com
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