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Re: [artshow_photo] Winter gear for photographers = boots?


Hi Victoria,

I do a lot of mountaineering and hiking in the winter. I
personally love my Merrell waterproof hiking boots. Using smart socks
with them, I've never had cold or wet feet. One other thing that helps
a lot are gators. They help prevent snow from getting into the top of
the boots (hence, making the socks wet).


On 11/28/2010 6:26 PM, Victoria L. Herring wrote:
> As long as we're talking about gear, what are the warmest boots one
> could get? I tend to get cold toes etc. and if that happens, the
> rest of me feels cooler than it is = what's a warm boot or one that
> won't let feet [esp feet] get cold even walking in or on snow???
> --
> Victoria L. Herring, Gallery: http://gallery.journeyzing.com/
> [images, ordering site]; Blogs: http://blog.journeyzing.com [JZ];
> http://www.herringlaw.com [lawfirm]; Ft. Dearborn-Chicago Photo
> Forum Int'l. Competition Award of Excellence, 2010
> [http://www.chicagophotoforum.org];

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