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Re: [artshow_photo] Online backups

Everyone has their own workflow methods so I am not going to tell anyone
what to do. However.....That's not what I would do and I would venture most
other photographers. (As an aside I am just now inthe process of scanning
and indexing over 50,000 old slides and negatives to create a digital
Here is what I do. I come back from a job/shoot/project and immediately
upload the card using Bridge to a Capture folder on a separate photo drive
inside the box. I set the card aside with a sticky note indicating the job.
At night Acronis automatically backs up the internal drive to an external
drive. Now I have three copies. When the client selects the images or
after a few days or at the time that I need the card I format it and go on
with the next job. As time allows I will run another external drive copy of
the internal photo drive. The capture folder is sorted, key worded and
images moved to other specific folders on the internal drive. Remember that
Acronis is automatically doing a nightly backup to a 2 TB hard drive so any
changes are changed on the external drive. Really important images are
burned to CD's or DVD's and someday I'll switch over to BluRay when the
media cost drops.
The Memory cards are just temporary storage for the camera. I am not a
sports shooter so I don't really need fast cards or haven't yet. I am
thinking of up grading to a camera that also has 1080 HD video so I'll
probably have to be more concerned with the speed of the cards. I have very
old 250mb cards and 32 Gb cards. Most have been acquired on sale.
I do a lot of long travel and can be away for as long as two months. I have
enough cards for about 6000 high quality RAW files so I do have to backup on
a laptop and reuse some of the cards.

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 8:40 AM, Perry Conley <pconley311@comcast.net> wrote:

> After I download my images from the camera memory card to my hard drive and
> upload to carbonite, I go back to the camera and delete the extra shots, and
> not so-best shots. since an 8g card holds a couple thousand good 12m raw
> shots, it doesn't seem like an expense to take the card and put it away in a
> safe place at some point.
> After 35 years of film, 35mm and 645's this all seems like a bargain to me!
> What am I missing?
> Waterlifearts.com
> Perry Conley
> 311 West St.
> Amherst MA 01002
> 413-253-0509
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Pearlman" <mike.pearlman@gmail.com<mike.pearlman%40gmail.com>>
> To: "artshow photo" <artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com<artshow_photo%40yahoogroups.com>>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2010 11:12:06 AM
> Subject: Re: [artshow_photo] Online backups
> You save every event on a unique memory card?? That must be expensive and
> present a difficult inventory problem?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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