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Re: [artshow_photo] Re: Printing Prints


I have to agree with you that the personal satisfaction of seeing and holding a
finished print that I have learned how to produce is one of the unexpected joys
of learning to produce my photographic art. I am grateful I have been able to
afford the cost of the process and to now have sold enough to pay for it. Can't
say that I could live on it by any means, but after several years of intense
work and study, it is nice to have the means to produce work that thrills my
Good luck to you!

From: terri pakula <t.tweetytiel@verizon.net>
To: artshow_photo@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 5:23:54 AM
Subject: [artshow_photo] Re: Printing Prints

Hi Terry,
I don't do the art shows curcuit and I can only imagine that mass
production and keeping costs down is essential. For many Costco and
others of like are fine and the public doesn't know the difference.
I can appreciate that.

As a fine artist and having photography my medium I totally agree with
30 plus years ago as many have done I did my own wet processing and
LOVED it. Being in the photo lab was such a part of it. The whole
process...paper choices I believe were a little limiting then....but
seemed not at the time.

When I got into digital I had all my work which I was exhibiting sent
to a professional lab WHCC and they did excellent work. Last year
while attending a free critique/class with my photo group the
photographer kept emphasizing how you miss a part when not printing.
He got me so inspiried as well as seeing others prints on papers that
were beautiful that I took the plunge last spring with the Epson 3880.
I love it!!!!! I have bought mnay sample packs and keep trying
different papers. Printing an image on one texture gives a different
feel then printing the same image on another paper.....It has opened
up the other part as an artist which you so nicely described.

However my work is not mass produced, rather exhbitied in gallery
spaces and it is costly but I am not into it to make a living and that
is a big difference for many......


I bit off on the doing it myself from snapping the picture to final
printing on
an Epson 4880. It was a big expense but well worth it since I can pick
choose my own papers and have profiles that produce absolutely stellar
on a number of fine art papers. The whole task of going from taking to
the image as a fine art piece of work on fine art paper is daunting but
immensely gratifying. I do not want the get into the fine art
discussion, but
for me it has meant that I have a hand in all aspects of producing my
photography on print. It is produced by me with the tools I have
available, so
that is an important aspect of my art work.

"A Parrot doesn't scream to make noise,
but because he has something to say.
Do we listen?"


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