Not being an artshow exhibitor (I have mused about it, tho) let me offer a
perspective as an artshow regular attender:
I do notice when people exhibit the same photos as the year before. These tend
to make me pass by instead of stopping in to see if there are newer photos.
Normally, I don't buy, not having the budget after paying for my own equipment
(I do desktop publishing and print photos for others) but at one booth bought a
photo that was previously exhibited years before.
What decided it? I saw it in a bin with a different colored mat that made me
regard it in a different perspective. All the mats on the wall were white or
black; the bin mats were of mixed colors. That alone would give customers the
idea that a different color could be requested or obtained elsewhere and offer a
new angle of consideration.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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